The Letting Go Method – What is it?

What happens when we give up, being a victim?

We heal.


Hello. I’m Doree.

I help others learn the tools of self-healing.

This blog features the most powerful tool I’ve found for self-healing. It’s a simple technique from the late Dr David R Hawkins called, Letting Go.

The Letting Go method applies to all human issues.

It’s not in conflict with any religious beliefs, scientific or medical theories or practices.

Letting go compliments what you’re already doing to get better.

A simple practice, it works to alleviate all forms of suffering (physical, mental and emotional).

I’ve written this blog in a way to encourage you to let go while reading. I hope this is a format that helps you.

Explore the many ways letting go can be used in everyday life from Letting Go of Being Humiliated to Letting Go of Clutter and even Letting Go of the Need to Be Right.  I have also shared how Letting Go can help you get what you want or show you how to move on from a relationship.

Scan the growing list of topics to choose the one that suits you. If you prefer to listen, many posts have a sister podcast recording.

Check out the many reader questions with my responses.

 Thank you for being here and for letting go.



NOTE: The Letting Go technique featured on this website was inspired by the extraordinary work of the late Dr David R. Hawkins  * His last book was called, Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender

Dr David R Hawkins

* For students of Dr Hawkins:  I have been a serious student of Doc’s work since 2004.  Before he passed, I was blessed to attend two full-day events.  One at the Sedona Creative Life Center and the other in Long Beach, California.  Before the Long Beach lecture, Doc was going around the room giving silent blessings. I watched him doing this on the large screen from my seat until the moment when, to my surprise, he was standing right before me.  I received a silent blessing but not before I blurted out, “Hi Sweetie!”  Twenty minutes later and into the lecture, I remembered what I’d said. I laughed out loud. Even now the memory fills me with joy!